The founders of the Reiki Ranch, myself, Taylore Vance, and my partner, Roi Halse, also see the value of... teaching about alternative health, natural healing, energy vibrational medicine along with all Reiki Courses because the physical body is under a constant attack.
Did I say attack?
Yes, our American lifestyle of eating and living in a chemical laden environment and the problem that the medical society has a habit of ignoring...
- that the human body is a warm blooded like any other body (we are spiritual being, but wear an "animal body" to get around in the 3rd dimension -- life on planet Earth) and a person's body could have a few of these tiny critters present: parasites, worms, microorganisms, plagues, Lyme disease, Chlamydia, MERSA (flesh eating bacteria), etc.
You have heard about: Cause and effect?
Garbage in = garbage out -- What we eat is making us fatter and also making our bodies sick!.
We, the people of the Earth, have a problem:
- Our disconnection from Mother Earth has caused us not to be grounded.
- and NOT eating holistic, organic and natural food raised with love, as god intended, has given rise to the most unhealthy people in the world -- the US citizen, US resident.
Anastasia thinks that the cause of disease is our disconnection to our natural heritage. Her solution is in this book - in the Ringing Cedar series: -- this Anastasia series of books sold over eleven million copies in Russia with out advertising in 1996-- all word of mouth recommendations! Anastasia is also called the "wild naked woman from Siberia." The books have been translated into English -- and are also taking the English speaking countries by storm in the 2004-2008's.
One more thing is the Miracle Mineral Solution - MMS - still our number one suggestion to kill microorganisms in the body helping the immune system in wellness. Look at our other blogs on MMS! The MMS Product is here!
Thanks for tuning into the Reiki Energy Blogger...
Need a psychic reading? Check out my friend Rebecca:
1 comment:
A recent change in the Miracle mineral - MMS. The FDA is trying to stop the sale of MMS -- especially if the people sell the book along with it. Jim Humble's book could be considered a testimonial.
We are now calling MMS mineral a "water purification drop". It has been on the market over 50 years as a water purification drop. Our bodies are around 70% water -- so it makes sense that the water inside the body could need purified.
We sell no MMS on this website.
Here's a good place to buy MMS - or as it is now called WPD
Magnesium products
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