Thursday, September 10, 2009

MMS II - MMS 2 -- MMS Capsules - Miracle Mineral Capsules

The information for this article was taken directly from Jim Humble's website of MMS Informatiom go there to read the complete story.

Take MMS In Capsule Form - Some people don't like the taste -- now we have No More Taste Complaints.

The empty capsules go by sizes called "SIZE ZERO" and "SIZE ONE." Jim Humble likes this option so much that "MMS-In-Capsule-Form" is what he uses most of the time. You can buy empty capsules at most drug store or health food store. Since the liquid you place into the capsule may dissolve the capsule, you need to take the cap as soon as it is filled. That way it will sisolve in your stomach.

You cannot buy these capsules prepared. You do-it-your-self deal. You buy your MMS, You active the MMS, and you place the MMS in a capsule with a dropper!

Jim Humble says: IN A SEPARATE clean dry CUP, pre-mix a 3 or 4 drop dose with unfiltered vinegar or citric acid, or lemon juice (use the normal 1 to 5 ratio), wait 3 minutes, then use an eye-dropper to place the mix in the capsule and cap it. Take the capsule immediately with water using at least one half cup to a full cup of water. Avoid juices - no taste-masking is needed.
A few people do not complain about the taste of Chlorine dioxide, but if you are like hundreds of people I know -- the MMS taste is a handicap for you, then you better hope you never have to take chemo or sickening doses of strong antibiotic pills. On the other hand, I do hear from people who are VERY sensitive to the MMS odor and taste. They sometimes diminish their doses and never achieve full benefit.

MMS2 -Introducing Jim Humble's MMS2 --hypochlorous acid. It comes from swimming pool chlorine. BUT Jim Humble says: "it is really not chlorine. It's a special agent that is used to "shock" the pool, called CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE."

Note from Taylore: Personally,I really don't know if this is a good idea! I went to the local swimming pool supply house and bought a pound of Calcium Hypochlorite. I put it in a "0" capsule last week -- like Jim Humble's website talk about. It is still on my counter top in its little capsule-- been there a week. I'm an energy healer and my body will not take this capsule! No, Way! My body does not think this is this good for me! Use common sense...

I suggest you take it easy on your road to recovery, and learn from someone already doing this. I like putting the liquid Water Purification Drops of as Jim Humble calls it "MMS1" in 00 veggie capsules -- already activated with citric acid for 3 to 5 minutes and taking them. My Lyme disease is gone! Getting well is a process. Check out the phyto green added to your raw food diet, quit drinking sodas and eating sugar. Keep your body alkaline. Do energy healings. Become Reiki! Take probiotics to re-establish healthy flora in your digestive system. this is a good source of information from Jim Humble and his experiments that are healing swine flu in a few hours, and taking care of the dangerous side effects of the swine flu shot.

New MMS Protocol of 1:1 and the MMS activated in 20 seconds.
You can take 1 to 3 drops every hour
of the day or about 10 times.

ARE YOU AWARE that the MMS dosage protocols have changed - for the better. You may not have to ramp up to the 15 drop level to achieve a full "clean out! You can take the New Protocol of 1:1 from Jim Humble where the citric acid is 50/50%... click here!


Singing Bowl said...
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Reiki Ranch said...

Thanks for stopping by...

We feel we are doing a service for people who are seeking a better life.

Following a few simple basic rules for eating the healthy food as mother nature designed, thinking happy thoughts and avoiding negative situations... people could live a long and productive life for hundreds of years. (We all just need to kill the parasites inside the body. Worms, germs, bacteria, viruses, and negative thinking are weakening our immune systems and making us sick.)

When we know we will live for ever if we choose we will be kinder to each other. What's the rush anyway?

Do you best in all situations! Be happy, live long and prosper!
